Words have tremendous power. We can look at several experiments on the power of negative and positive words like HERE & HERE. As well as all the studies on how verbal abuse can delay childhood development (HERE). We can see it in our everyday interactions at work or school etc too. That perfect student in class who always has the answer or that coworker with a cool and comfortable friendship with your boss. Each utilizes the power of words to affect their reality in positive ways.
This is especially important for those who practice magic; our words have tremendous power. We create reality with our speech. A careless sentence can ruin a life.
Not only the spoken word, but the thought word, as well. If your mind is full of hopelessness or sorrow, even if you never say it out loud, your consciousness will still project sorrow and hopelessness into your physical life. It will take forms like stomach ulcers, back pain, and arthritis.
How do we change thought patterns? Over months and sometimes years. It’s taken that long for you to wear them in, it’ll take that long to scrub them back out. Here are some steps you can take to start the work;
Sit down with yourself and write down the sentences or ideas you repeat to yourself
Think about each one and ask yourself “when” and “why” you started thinking/saying it and write it down next to the sentence
Acknowledge whatever trauma initiated the negative self-talk and give love & acceptance to the “you” in that moment. Be sure to imagine that “you” clearly; whatever age you were, what you were wearing, what your hair cut was.
Take that memory and change the scene - imagine saving your past self from the trauma, and take them someplace safe. Give them comfort wherever you feel you should, but be sure to do it at least once. For example, clearly imagine you hugging the past you, telling them they’ll be ok and that you love and care for them.
After practicing some self-love, rewrite each of your negative mantras to reflect your love for yourself and acceptance of strife as a form of character growth. Be sure to add some kind of encouragement to it - or better yet, worship yourself!
Whenever you find yourself thinking one of your harmful mantras, immediately replace it with your new one and say it 10 times out loud every time you notice.
While saying your new mantra 10 times, feel free to reconnect to that past you and give them some love. Relive the new scenario you made in step #4 to help reinforce your new habit
Don’t judge yourself and make room for a LOT of failure. Changing a habit takes at least 35 days of consistent action. Accept that you aren’t perfect and try to avoid getting mad at yourself if it takes longer than you expected to get it.
As a witch, magician, occultist etc, it is our duty to take care in our words. Whatever sentences we find ourselves repeating in our lives, whether they’re out loud or to ourselves, they create our world. They become a mantra, which then shapes our reality through our Will and beliefs.
If you find yourself using harsh words on yourself, cast a different spell. Stop cursing yourself (literally!), and begin to shower blessings on yourself. Worship the Goddess within. Show her love, nourish her with offerings, and watch both your heart and your life blossom.